Tucker and I discuss my emergency.

Tucker and I discuss my emergency.
"You tried to call 9-1-1 to get me a mint? That's really low, chihuahua. Really low."

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Old Acquaintances and Facebook Adventures

Hello everyone,

It has been a very long time since I have communicated with my fans via my blog. My discovery of Facebook provided me with a much easier means of documenting my daily adventures. It also allowed me to make a plethora of friends, many of whom I would have never had a chance to meet since I am held prisoner here by the man and his accomplices. I am always getting friend requests from my fans, and now I have more followers than the 8 measly friends I have on my blog (though I appreciate those fans very much).

Yet my Facebook adventure was almost thwarted at the very start; again I was the victim of discrimination and had to use my brilliant mind to combat the injustice. It seems because of my age, 3 years, Facebook did not want to acknowledge my existence even though in dog years I am old enough to rent a car, drink a boozy lemonade or brewskie, or vote to ensure healthcare for all chihuahuas (after my broken leg incident and bout with lactose intolerance, this is a big deal)! Therefore when you look at my FB profile, realize I stated my age in dog years.

Like I was saying, Facebook has been giving me a great opportunity to communicate with others, and I have reconnected with many old friends. There was one friend, however, I just could not find; and my greatest fear was that I was correct last year when I predicted his untimely death at the hands of the man on this very blog. My nearest confidant, the tree, just could not be found.

I searched for him tirelessly and typed in every alias he could have been using: Evergreen Jenkins, Tree Smith, Piney Bensing, Branchy Fuzzibottom, Bob Needlestein, Mark Twain, and Alexander MacGuyver Trunksworthy...I knew for certain in an effort to escape the clutches of the man, who was determined to dismember him, he would not use his real name..."Christmas Tree."

I was down in the dumps, thinking I would never have contact with the tree again. Then a Christmas miracle happened...

The tree came back!

I could not believe my googly eyes, and I danced around him and barked in disbelief as the people tied him up with twinkle-light shackles and weighed him down with colorful, decorated weights. Obvious to this chihuahua, the tree was once again the man's prisoner, but he was alive!!! It became clear to me the tree was in shock, for as I reacquainted myself with him, he spoke nary a word and tried to injure me defensively by showering me with pointy needles. I did not take this personal, for I still consider the tree my closest ally, but instead I promised I will do all I can to set him free and exact revenge upon the man once and for all. Maybe I can recruit the feline to knock off some of his decorative weights or chew on the wires that hold the tree hostage.

Until that time comes, I will visit the tree daily and share a drink with him. Now that I clearly know the man's intentions this year, I will be sure to save the tree...

or at least get him on Facebook so I finally will have someone to click "like" underneath my comments and help me with Mafia Wars.

Until later, check my FB status for updates, people. I encourage all of my FB amigos out there to become official followers of my blog!!!

Feliz Navidad.

What does Zoey need most?


hiding from the man

I'm all ears.

you lookin' at me, punk?

check out my hoodie.

an old football injury

stay alert. there's no sleep with the man around

Preparing to Strike

After I escaped the New Jersey concentration camp

SCENE OF THE CRIME: On the lookout for hip outfits at The Country Junction

SCENE OF THE CRIME:  On the lookout for hip outfits at The Country Junction


The feline's Michael Phelps moment


My look of disbelief after witnessing the feline's secret addiction

Check out my tat.

Check out my tat.
Z-Funk...feel the groove

The New Lion: It could have been such a beautiful friendship!

The New Lion: It could have been such a beautiful friendship!

want some of this?

Got protection?

Got protection?
I get more sleep now that I have my own lion.

The Great Bone Wars: Zoey 4 Tucker 0

The Great Bone Wars:  Zoey 4     Tucker 0
Yes, I killed that leopard, too.

hide the bones! there is treachery afoot!

The sharpherd singing the blues


I was the man's prisoner for a week.

My skinnier days

Tucker, my dufus sharpherd brother

Tucker in his babushka

Tucker again. What a dope.

the feline...a culinary genius


stills from one of Z. Funk and the C-Sharpherds videos, "U And Me Can Pee on That Tree"
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